Temple Touch Pro - The TTP™ System

Temple Touch Pro™ Now Available

Central Medical Supplies has been appointed the exclusive UK distributor for Temple Touch Pro™, a non-invasive core temperature monitoring system from thermometry specialist Medisim.

Central Medical Supplies provides Kanmed BabyBeds to Oliver Fisher Neonatal Unit

Sophie Theed with her twins in the Kanmed BabyBed
Truecool Premium

Central Medical Supplies appointed UK distributor for TrueCool Premium by Em-Med

TrueCool Premium is a device used to carry out targeted temperature management.
Cyber Essentials Certification
Trust Provider for over 30 years
3rd Neo neurology conference

Come and visit us at the 3rd Neonatal Neurology Conference

We will be joining experts from the US, Australia, New Zealand,…

Welcoming Steve Morris to the Central Medical team!

We are extremely pleased to welcome Steve Morris to the Central…

External Visitors

Please note, Central Medical Supplies will not be accepting external visitors into our offices as a protective measure to protect our staff against COVID-19.

Big Investment Programme for the Axifeed Brand by Central Medical Supplies LTD

Since the successful acquisition of the AXifeed range of Expressed Breastmilk Storage Bottles and Cup Feeders back in January 2017, Central Medical Supplies Ltd are delighted to announce a significant investment into the AXifeed brand to further improve our current supply chain offering and level of service.